Management of Subterranean Ecosystems in Extreme Environments
Caver working on computer
NCKMS 2025 News

Internal organizations of the National Speleological Society are welcome to reprint these news items in regional newsletters and grotto publications without further permission. External organizations should contact the NCKMS team for approval. Additional artwork is available upon request.


During their annual meeting, the National Cave and Karst Management Symposium (NCKMS) Steering Committee unanimously approved the bid from the Western Cave Conservancy to host the 2025 event in Ely, Nevada. The 2025 event is scheduled for October 6-10 at Ely's Bristlecone Convention Center.

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Nevada Northern Railway

Nevada Northern Railway

Track for the Nevada Northern Railway was laid over a century ago, connecting one of the largest copper mines in North America to the Transcontinental routes to the north. Today, several of the original steam locomotives that were used over a century ago are still in operation. The Nevada Northern Railway is the best-preserved example of a standard-gauge short-line left in North America.

The 2025 NCKMS conference will include a geology-themed trip aboard this historic railway.

Symposium Merchandise

Troglodyte Playing Cards

We have no idea what these will look like yet, but we couldn't think of hosting NCKMS in Nevada without offering some themed-out playing cards. There's a good chance the card backs will feature a cave animal of the year, but we still have some time to figure it out.


Advance registration for the 2025 symposium is expected to open in mid-2024. We will send an email to past attendees when that system comes online.

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