Management of Subterranean Ecosystems in Extreme Environments
2023 NCKMS Conference
Dr. George N. Huppert Scholarship Program

Dr. George N. Huppert

Dr. George N. Huppert participated in early hydrological studies at Mammoth Cave National Park in 1975, under the tutelage of the renowned cave geologist, Jim Quinlan. Over the next three decades, George distinguished himself as one of the leading cave management experts in the United States.

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The Dr. George N. Huppert Scholarship Program is open to all those involved in cave and karst management, and may be used to encourage papers as well as attendance. For example, students, people new to cave management, cave and land conservancy members, federal and state employees involved in cave management, and individuals with limited financial resources are all eligible for scholarships. Priority is given to applicants who will be attending the full symposium, and applications for day passes may not be considered appropriate.

Applicants will be ranked as follows:

  • Student presenting a paper

  • Student not presenting a paper

  • Non-student presenting a paper

  • Non-student not presenting a paper

Scholarship funding for recipients covers lodging or registration costs, or both. Each scholarship recipient is responsible for additional expenses, including transportation and food.

The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is September 20 of the year of the symposium. Applicants who submit their requests before the deadline will be notified.

To apply for a scholarship to the upcoming symposium, download and complete the application form and email it to the members of the scholarship committee. Use the email links below to send questions to individual committee members. Once your application is complete, use the group email to send your application to the entire committee.

Scholarship Committee Email Links
Poster Sessions

Perennial Streams


There are 48 miles of perennial streams, and over 400 springs in the South Snake Range, home to Great Basin National Park. Over 75% of wildlife species are dependent upon these riparian areas for food, water, and cover at some stage of their life cycles.


Advance registration for the 2025 symposium is expected to open in mid-2024. We will send an email to past attendees when that system comes online.

Feel free to join our mailing list if you would like to receive occasional updates on our plans.

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